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Update from FIB EC meeting 9 May 2024

On 9 May 2024, the FIB Executive Committee (EC) held its next meeting preparing the Electoral Congress to be held on 8 June 2024, in Stockholm, Sweden. During the meeting, the EC approved the Financial Report of 2022/2023, the Congress agenda and the By-Law on Elections which will be sent out to the Member Associations.

In addition, the EC decided to temporarily suspend Afghanistan, Colombia and Somalia due to unpaid membership fees and no bandy activity in those countries. The EC has heard an update on the status of the hosting agreement of the 2025 FIB World Championships. There are still details to be discussed and negotiated with the host of the event, the Swedish Bandy Federation.

Based on the proposal of the FIB Education and Development Committee (EDC) and the FIB Gender Equity Committee (GEC), the EC appointed Tobias Karlsson (FIN) as the Chair of the EDC and Idaa Bure (FIN) as the Chair of the GEC. Following the appointment of Tobias Karlsson (former TC member) to the EDC, the Finnish Bandy Federation proposed Andreas Sjöblom to the FIB Technical Committee that was unanimously approved by the EC.

In order to continue the governance reforms at FIB, the EC also approved to create an interim Athletes’ Committee to ensure direct Athlete representation at the EC. Further details on the nomination process will be communicated to the Member Associations soon.

Lastly, the EC discussed small amendments to the FIB Statutes which will be submitted to the Congress next month, in Stockholm.